Quote of the week-

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas everyone,

Here's some fabulous christmas songs from my favourite oldies ^^/

Frank Sinatra-White Christmas

Dean Martin - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Judy Garland- Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Merry Christmas guys, God bless, and anyone stuck in the snow in Europe - safe home! ^^/

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Victory Rolls

I apologise for the serious lack of posting but I had exams etc.

But yes, I decided to recreate a lovely, simple and effective hairstyle on my lovely model Laura.


Check it out! xxx

24 days till Christmas ^_^

Friday, October 8, 2010

Groovie Movies!

Some Like It Hot!

This week, sick in bed, I got a chance to watch the film "Some Like It Hot" from Billy Wilder.
I haven't laughed so much in years! This movie is definately worth watching.
It all starts with two musicians who are practically scraping the pavement for money and when they are witnesses of the Chicago "Valentine's Day Massacre" caused by the mobster, "Spats" they quickly leave town in a girl band. Disguised as women, the two men Jerry and Joe, played by Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis play along with the band, while they chase after the beautiful and talented ms. Marilyn Monroe!

Considered one of the funniest movies ever to grace the silver screen this is definitely worth a watch!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Elizabeth Swann Hair Tutorial

This is my attempt to replicate one of Elizabeth Swann's many beautiful hairstyles.
It is surprisingly easy and I wear it everywhere and anywhere, however for some it may be a more formal hairstyle for weddings/formal do's etc.

Things you will need-
Loads of clips


Imelda May Hair Tutorial

This is part of my "Back To Work" hairstyles, a selection of hairstyles that are easy, quick, and acceptable for work/school/college but at the same time beautiful .

What you will need for this hairstyle:
Hairspray or wax

Friday, September 24, 2010

Susan Pevensie/ Back To Work- Vintage Hairstyle #1

(Whoo! I'm on a roll with my posts!)

Part of my Back To School/Work Look :)
I decided to do a whole load of simple to do but beautiful hairstyles for you guys. I'm in school myself so I find some hairstyles take to much time and effort for a normal school day, so I went searching for some vintage styles that are beautiful but easy to do.

Things you will need-
- hair comb
- brushed hair
- straighteners/curlers/pin curls/rollers - anything to curl your hair
- clips
- hairspray

Finished Look
Susan Pevensie-Anna Popplewell

How To Do Pincurls

So you wanna learn how to do 'em? Look no further, I will attempt to make your life far easier by showing you how to do both standing and flat pincurls! 
